Tuesday, February 3, 2009

WAKE UP!!!!!

"Everyone has inside of him a piece of good news. The good news is that you don't know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your potential is!”
-Anne Frank (1929-1945)

I hope I don't seem redundant with creating this post, but it's become SO obvious to me lately that so few of us really understand and realize our true potential and self worth. Why do so many people doubt who they are? How much they're worth? What huge things they can accomplish or overcome? I feel like standing on top of the highest mountain with a perfect microphone and screaming for the world to wake up!!!! It doesn't matter what difficulties we've been through in our lives, what bad things other people have done to us, or what obstacles seem to be blocking your vision....YOU ARE THE MASTER OF YOUR OWN MIND, HEART, AND DECISIONS!!!! The sooner we all realize that the sooner we'll be able to take control of where our lives go!

Of course, nobody here on earth is perfect and I certainly don't have all the answers, but we need to stop picking our ourselves apart and wondering why we're not perfect and JUST LIVE! Life is too short and precious to allow negative people to bring you down or to let anything taint our self esteems or visions for our future.

There is no real soft or gentle way for me to end this post...I guess the "Jersey" part of my personality has come through. I will close this post with a plea to all who read this.... please stop letting the details of life burden you! Please realize who you are! I struggle with this at times (if you want evidence read my previous post!), but see SO many others who do too.

You all are priceless...now go live your life like you believe that!