Sunday, January 25, 2009

Go for the goal!!!!

"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up."
Thomas A. Edison (1847 - 1931)

Recently, I've been working to organize a benefit concert for the National MS Society. The task I'm taking on will initially cost me a lot of money and will require a lot of my free time. The band I want to headline this event is signed with Universal Records and is pretty well be honest, their influence is what inspired me to do this. Initially, I was VERY pumped and excited about it. In my mind, nothing could stop me! Unfortunately, this week I began to doubt myself. I began to doubt whether the management for this group would take me seriously... I've had communications with the manager of this group before, but it was as a fan and not as a business woman. The more I think the more I worry. I worry about whether or not they'll even take me seriously, whether the band even has time to do my event, etc. Finally, today I realized that my worries and negative thoughts were going to be the only thing that would sabotage my event. If I believe in myself and this benefit concert happening it WILL happen.

One of the worst things to do to yourself is to second guess your potential. I have done this many times. When we find passion about something in life we should hold onto and treasure it. My passion for the last two months has been getting this benefit concert planned. I shouldn't let my fear for what bad things MAY happen get in my way of at least trying.

From this point forward I pledge to not take anymore counsel from my fears. I will make endless attempts to accomplish my goal - as many as it takes. Hopefully, a few months from today I'll be able to write a post about how amazing my benefit concert was! :-)

If you have a goal or passion in life don't give up on may be closer to success that you realize!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

HAHAHAHA The best medicine!

"Always laugh when you can. It is cheap medicine."
Lord Byron (1788 - 1824)

Laughter...Hmmm....where do I start?

Well, I guess the best way to start would be to make you laugh. :-) Below you'll find a picture of me when I was in 7th grade (13yo). I was so embarrassed because my class voted me as the girl with the "funniest laugh". The kids used to call me a hyena. :-/ To make matters worse, I got a horrible hair cut a few days earlier. I was so embarrassed to take that picture! :-) What's funny is that horrible teenage moment has turned into a memory that makes me laugh each time I think about it. Gotta love awkward teenage moments... lol

There are so many benefits that can come from laughter... not only does it reduce our levels of stress hormones, but it actually strengthens our immune system. (I promise, this is true!) Aside from the medical aspect, it also helps us relate to other people. Who honestly wants to be around somebody that never smiles or laughs? The more we laugh the more we feel connected to those people we associate with. The happier you are the more people will want to associate with you and be your friend.

So laugh it up!!!! :-) Look for reasons to laugh at life and enjoy the world you live in! If you need something to make you laugh give me a call...I'll let you listen to my hyena laugh. :-) jk

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A life for others

"Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile."
-Albert Einsein

The degree to which we are willing and able to serve others in this life will be the degree of happiness we will experience and enjoy. One of the best ways to enjoy life is to search for opportunities to do service for those around you.

Stephen Christian has been a great example of this to me. Although I've only met him in person briefly, his passion for serving other people has really inspired me. Stephen co-founded an amazing organization called Faceless International. He and all of the other people that work with this organization are so selfless. Their example showed me that the service one person does can influence generations and change lives! It is because of his example that I've decided to go the extra mile and look for people who I can serve. In my quest to follow the Christ-like example that Stephen set, I've found that I've become happier. The more I look for people and opportunities to serve the happier I become.

Has anybody inspired you to go the extra mile and do service for others in your life? Have you been a recipient of selfless service and has it made the difference in a time of need?

The more we think and live for others the happier we will be.

Stephen Christian
Anchor and Braille

Monday, January 5, 2009

Cherry on top of the sundae

"I adore simple pleasures. They are the last refuge of the complex."
Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray, 1891
Irish dramatist, novelist, & poet (1854 - 1900)

I finally arrived home tonight at around 8pm. After a long day at work I was relieved to be home and have a relaxing evening. The minute I got home I snuggled my feet inside my pair of fuzzy, black slippers and plopped on top of my bed. I laid there and stared at the ceiling as I listened to the faint sound of people sloshing along in the snow outside of my apartment. It was then that I realized how life is made bearable by simple pleasures. The stress I brought home from work quickly disappeared as I enjoyed the comfort of my slippers, bed, and almost silence.

Why is it that simple pleasures always make us feel good? I think it's because we need that break in our routine to stop and smell the relax.

I'm curious what other people consider to be their simple pleasures.... or if most of us even take the time to recognize some of the simple things that make us happy.

Here are a few of mine:
1.) Taking a long hot shower or bath
2.) Watching an old school Nickelodeon show
3.) Rainy days
4.) Cuddling in the two blankets my mom made me
5.) Having inside jokes with friends
6.) Laughing so hard I can't make a sound
7.) Sitting down in my reading chair and reading a book for hours at a time

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Lemons into Lemonade

Life is often unpredictable and scary...

Trials never seem to creep up on you, they just kind of plop right in your lap and sit there for a while. It is easy to see the negative in scary situations, but how would life be if we walked along with rose colored glasses? Is it even possible to do that sometimes?

Imagine not being able to use your arms and legs... Would you be able to meet triumph and disaster and treat these two the same?

The man in this video is a true inspiration. He sees the beauty, YES beauty, in his limited life. The world could benefit from having more people who are able to see the world as he does.

I'd love to hear what you all think about this video...