Wednesday, January 21, 2009

HAHAHAHA The best medicine!

"Always laugh when you can. It is cheap medicine."
Lord Byron (1788 - 1824)

Laughter...Hmmm....where do I start?

Well, I guess the best way to start would be to make you laugh. :-) Below you'll find a picture of me when I was in 7th grade (13yo). I was so embarrassed because my class voted me as the girl with the "funniest laugh". The kids used to call me a hyena. :-/ To make matters worse, I got a horrible hair cut a few days earlier. I was so embarrassed to take that picture! :-) What's funny is that horrible teenage moment has turned into a memory that makes me laugh each time I think about it. Gotta love awkward teenage moments... lol

There are so many benefits that can come from laughter... not only does it reduce our levels of stress hormones, but it actually strengthens our immune system. (I promise, this is true!) Aside from the medical aspect, it also helps us relate to other people. Who honestly wants to be around somebody that never smiles or laughs? The more we laugh the more we feel connected to those people we associate with. The happier you are the more people will want to associate with you and be your friend.

So laugh it up!!!! :-) Look for reasons to laugh at life and enjoy the world you live in! If you need something to make you laugh give me a call...I'll let you listen to my hyena laugh. :-) jk


Tsianna said...

Hi! I found your blog via a post comment over at modesty guild! I am actually hoping that a lot of people who frequent over there have blogs too, as I'm interested in reading based on the comments.

Oddly enough, your blog title was the very first Anberlin song I heard - Alexithymia. What a great line. In Braveheart, there is a line - every man dies but not every man lives. I hope everybody gets a chance to examine that idea, it might change how we all see life lol.

Sorry I got so far off topic =P I love to laugh so I got a kick out of your post. Nice to meet you!

Anonymous said...

hahha steph..yea i agree..I think to live a good life you have to be able to laugh at yourself! Because other people are going to do it :}