Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A life for others

"Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile."
-Albert Einsein

The degree to which we are willing and able to serve others in this life will be the degree of happiness we will experience and enjoy. One of the best ways to enjoy life is to search for opportunities to do service for those around you.

Stephen Christian has been a great example of this to me. Although I've only met him in person briefly, his passion for serving other people has really inspired me. Stephen co-founded an amazing organization called Faceless International. He and all of the other people that work with this organization are so selfless. Their example showed me that the service one person does can influence generations and change lives! It is because of his example that I've decided to go the extra mile and look for people who I can serve. In my quest to follow the Christ-like example that Stephen set, I've found that I've become happier. The more I look for people and opportunities to serve the happier I become.

Has anybody inspired you to go the extra mile and do service for others in your life? Have you been a recipient of selfless service and has it made the difference in a time of need?

The more we think and live for others the happier we will be.

Stephen Christian
Anchor and Braille


Hannah said...

tooo true. i love what stephen and faceless are doing.

Anonymous said...

Same here Stephen Christian has left a huge impact on my life..I chose the major that I chose for college because of him..I want to be an elementary school teacher and in the summers do missions work. I honestly believe I made that choice because of his influence!

Sven said...

humbled. utterly humbled.

Eve said...

Stephen also influences me in a strong way. Over and over!

I am contemplating changing my job because I am convicted after reading Stephens "The Orphaned Anythings" of simply living day to day and avoiding reaching my potential in almost all areas.

I was also moved to get my family together to try to repair a fractured relationship. We grew up in a huge lie, similar to the story line of his book. Only some of the members of the family have been willing to come to a healing place, but it never would have happened without the encouragement of Stephen. The truth has been laid out for the first time EVER..It's an ugly truth..but regardless..it is our truth. Time will tell..but I am glad I tried.

I still have a lot of scars from being raised this way, but it it a relief to get it out in the open. I am in fact moving forward...that's an improvement.

Thanks for inviting me to your blog Stephanie! Eve

More Than Alive said...

After reading some of your comments, I was contemplating how amazing it is that one person can touch and influence the lives of so many...

What is equally amazing is that we all can be that to each other. Imagine how many people Stephen has touched...and then those people turn around and make an effort to inspire other people in their lives...and so on.. It's a huge circle that can eventually do the world a WHOLE lot of good. Serving one person can certainly effect and change the lives of millions!

Tyler said...

soo true Steph! Stephen is so humble, he has no idea the impact he makes on our lives. hes like a modern day John Lennon. except hes not a hippy and he doesnt do drugs lol. but he actually cares about other people. and he wants to make this world a better place