Monday, January 5, 2009

Cherry on top of the sundae

"I adore simple pleasures. They are the last refuge of the complex."
Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray, 1891
Irish dramatist, novelist, & poet (1854 - 1900)

I finally arrived home tonight at around 8pm. After a long day at work I was relieved to be home and have a relaxing evening. The minute I got home I snuggled my feet inside my pair of fuzzy, black slippers and plopped on top of my bed. I laid there and stared at the ceiling as I listened to the faint sound of people sloshing along in the snow outside of my apartment. It was then that I realized how life is made bearable by simple pleasures. The stress I brought home from work quickly disappeared as I enjoyed the comfort of my slippers, bed, and almost silence.

Why is it that simple pleasures always make us feel good? I think it's because we need that break in our routine to stop and smell the relax.

I'm curious what other people consider to be their simple pleasures.... or if most of us even take the time to recognize some of the simple things that make us happy.

Here are a few of mine:
1.) Taking a long hot shower or bath
2.) Watching an old school Nickelodeon show
3.) Rainy days
4.) Cuddling in the two blankets my mom made me
5.) Having inside jokes with friends
6.) Laughing so hard I can't make a sound
7.) Sitting down in my reading chair and reading a book for hours at a time


Anonymous said...

For me:
1.Sports especially Basketball!
3.My brother he knows me too well :}
4.My friends even if we arnt doing anything fun just hanging out
5.My class at school we have been together since kindergarten and I love them!

Tsianna said...

I love...

cuddling with my daughter

laughing with my husband - like till neither of us can stop lol

appreciating the beauty of the words of other people - in music, in sweet things my friends say, talking to my mom or sister long distance


Anonymous said...

1. Music-Anberlin
2. Fried fish. I love it.
3. Being with my best friends.
4. Billiards
5. Swimming.