Sunday, January 25, 2009

Go for the goal!!!!

"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up."
Thomas A. Edison (1847 - 1931)

Recently, I've been working to organize a benefit concert for the National MS Society. The task I'm taking on will initially cost me a lot of money and will require a lot of my free time. The band I want to headline this event is signed with Universal Records and is pretty well be honest, their influence is what inspired me to do this. Initially, I was VERY pumped and excited about it. In my mind, nothing could stop me! Unfortunately, this week I began to doubt myself. I began to doubt whether the management for this group would take me seriously... I've had communications with the manager of this group before, but it was as a fan and not as a business woman. The more I think the more I worry. I worry about whether or not they'll even take me seriously, whether the band even has time to do my event, etc. Finally, today I realized that my worries and negative thoughts were going to be the only thing that would sabotage my event. If I believe in myself and this benefit concert happening it WILL happen.

One of the worst things to do to yourself is to second guess your potential. I have done this many times. When we find passion about something in life we should hold onto and treasure it. My passion for the last two months has been getting this benefit concert planned. I shouldn't let my fear for what bad things MAY happen get in my way of at least trying.

From this point forward I pledge to not take anymore counsel from my fears. I will make endless attempts to accomplish my goal - as many as it takes. Hopefully, a few months from today I'll be able to write a post about how amazing my benefit concert was! :-)

If you have a goal or passion in life don't give up on may be closer to success that you realize!

1 comment:

Hannah said...

You can do whatever you believe you can do.
No matter what obstacles may be thrown in your way, you can do it. In my case, no matter who may laugh at you, you must prevail and show them that you are not kidding and you mean what you say, and you will indeed make an impact.
In your case, you will get the band to play. In my case, I will strive to be great, even though everyone laughs at me when I tell them my dream, I WILL achieve it.

And I believe that you will achieve getting the bands you want to play at your MS concert, as long as you believe in yourself and have the right connections, everything will turn out alright in the end.